Posted : Sep 30, 24

Category : Company

Seamless manufacturing from molds for both automotive parts and original products ! / "Amazing Made in Japan Tech" by ITO METAL FABRICATION CO., LTD.

This is the state-of-the-art technology developed by Japanese SMEs. At the MOBIO Tech Hall and MOBIO WEB site, search for "The Latest Made in Japan Tech" to improve product features and functions.

ITO can seamlessly process metal stamping work from design and manufacturing of dies to prototyping and mass production of products. Now ITO began to develop and manufacture original products by expanding its manufacturing technology for automobile parts, taking on the challenge that metalworking can do much more.



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*Strength is a seamless manufacturing process from mold to prototype and mass production: whether for automotive parts or original products.

*Development and manufacture of original products utilizing accumulated skills: Side tables, building exterior panels, etc.

And participants were able to ask such as "Do the panels on the exterior of building glow at night with LEDs?", "How can I purchase your original products?" at the MOBIO Cafe Meeting on September 24.

View the VIDEO for details.


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