Posted : Sep 30, 24

Category : Company

The ONLY 1 ceramic band heater manufacturer in Kansai, Japan ! / "Amazing Made in Japan Tech" by OUJI SHOKAI CO.

This is the state-of-the-art technology developed by Japanese SMEs. At the MOBIO Tech Hall and MOBIO WEB site, search for "The Latest Made in Japan Tech" to improve product features and functions.

OUJI is the only manufacturer of ceramic band heaters in the Kansai region, Japan and the manufacturer of small tube furnaces whose manufacturing method and internal structure are unique in Japan.



*Surface heaters incorporated into resin extrusion molding machines, resin injection molding machines, etc.: Ceramic band heaters

*Heating analysis integrated into test equipment: Small tube furnace

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On September 24, OUJI explained technologies to apply expertise in manufacturing various heaters and to feature custom-made heaters that are optimized for the equipment. And participants were able to ask such as "Large heaters are made by dividing and combining?"and "Can you repair foreign-made heaters?" at the MOBIO Cafe Meeting.

View the VIDEO for details.


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