Posted : Sep 30, 24

Category : Company

Wanted! Manufacturing SME companies to co-develop service programs to SME (only for Japanese companies) / "Amazing Made in Japan Tech" by SUMITOMO DENSETSU CO.,LTD.

This is the state-of-the-art technology developed by Japanese SMEs. At the MOBIO Tech Hall and MOBIO WEB site, search for "The Latest Made in Japan Tech" to improve product features and functions.

On September 24, exhibitors explained their "Amazing Made in Japan Tech". As a comprehensive engineering company, SUMITOMO DENSETSU started a new business "Growth support service for the SME" to support the growth of SME manufacturing companies in a more companionable way.



It features specialist advice on a regular basis: Visualization of underutilized production data and how to utilize it.

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In order to make the service even better, there was an application call for SME manufacturing companies to jointly develop the service (only for Japanese companies). And participants were able to ask such as "What does it mean that twice a month, specialists analyze corporate data and make recommendations for improvement?", "Is there any confirmation of the actual factory conditions at the beginning of the GroSuppo?".

View the VIDEO for details.


Please visit the MOBIO Tech Hall to see the latest technologies of exhibitors. Click here for a list of exhibitors.