Special cast steel products
Burner Nozzle
Various nozzles
Description of business
Cast Steel Department: Tatsumi Industry is engaged in the manufacture of special cast steel products. It handles more than 100 types of metals and can accommodate products with complex shapes. It also deals in small-lot production of a wide variety of products using diverse materials and with quick turnaround. A strength of the company is its technological ability to handle the welding of dissimilar metals with extremely different melting temperatures. It also meets customer needs meticulously, drawing on its operational system that allows even one-off orders to be accepted.
Burner Nozzle Department: Originating from pure copper castings, Tatsumi Industry is engaged in the design, manufacture and sale of burner nozzles. The company aims to increase the utilization rate of customers' facilities by producing dramatic results, such as significantly increasing the durability and life span of burner nozzles used in gasification melting furnaces for incinerating garbage. In addition, the company contributes to the effective use of resources, by also endeavoring to repair and recycle used nozzles.

Impellar for pump

Casing for pump

Burner nozzle
Corporate Profile
- Corporate name
- Person in charge
Executive Director
Takeshi Miyamoto - info@tatsumi-cast.co.jp
- Address
- 48 Saho, Ibaraki City, Osaka, 568-0095, Japan
- President
- Sechiko Tatsumi
- Founded / Established
- 1957 / 1957
- Phone
- +81-72-649-2341
- Fax
- +81-72-649-0562
- Company URL
Japanese (http://www.tatsumi-cast.co.jp/)
English (http://www.tatsumi-cast.co.jp/english/)
- Capital
- 30,000,000 yen
- Major account
- Special cast steel products:
Manufacturers of industrial machines for things such as pumps, valves, and mixers
Burner nozzle:
Iron and steel manufacturers, waste incineration and disposal organizations - Overseas facility
■Ibaraki Plant
48 Saho, Ibaraki City, Osaka, 568-0095 Japan
Tel +81-72-649-2341
■Kameoka Plant
46-6 Shiigahara, NishibetsuinchoInukanno, Kameoka City, Kyoto, 621-0126 Japan
Tel +81-771-27-3575-