MOBIO booth No. : North facility 2nd floor 120


Product line

Blowers for environmental and industrial plants

Dust collectors and pneumatic conveying equipment

Environmental remediation and preservation equipment


Kenichi Yamamoto

Description of business

With blowers as the main product, NISSIN develops and produces “wind” useful in all industries and provide custom-made equipment through one-stop service to solve customers' problems. It also develops and manufactures nanobubble mixture production equipment and super-oxygenated water with freshness extension effects as environment-related products.

Products and Technologies

Producing custom-made “wind”!

Airflow control application design

Pneumatic conveying system

●Custom-made blower-related equipment with in-house integrated production

・It realizes tailor-made manufacturing based on precise proposals and agreements to meet customers' needs and further improve functionality.

・Since its establishment, NISSIN has manufactured and supplied more than 30,000 units of blower-related equipment both domestically and internationally, utilizing its accumulated expertise and experience to manufacture and supply high-efficiency, low-noise equipment.

Dust collector streamlines (airflow analysis)

●Air-flow control technology

・It has developed a compact collector using "Airflow Swirl Control Technology" that applies the power of air to a production facility for a variety of products, generating waste materials in the process.

・"AIR FLOW" is designed using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) to force dust sedimentation, thereby reducing the load on the filter.

This is NISSIN's advantage

One-stop service from proposal to delivery to meet customer needs

Impeller welding

・Wind production professionals: Interview and listen to needs → proposal and agreement → design and production → test and measurement → delivery and installation → maintenance

・Proven track record and application of new and innovative technologies: Decades of experience and expertise, 2D and 3D/CAD, structural analysis, product testing, and Verification of product performance

・Integrated in-house production and testing: Fabrication, sheet metal work, welding, machining, surface treatment, assembly, and inspection/measurement of SS, SUS, AL, Ti and other steel materials

Turbofan wind power performance testing

・Reliable and timely maintenance services: Conducted through a reciprocal management system between NISSIN and partners to ensure long-term operations.

・Development (intellectual property development): Always focusing on the development of new technologies and products, NISSIN actively pursue joint research with industry and academia to evolve technologies…Development and production of equipment and products contributing to the environment.

Provides a tail”WIND” for all industries!

A company capable of creating products needed by customers

Blower installation

●Examples of deliveries to various industries

・Public infrastructure: Waste and sewage treatment facilities, waste incineration facilities, recycling plazas
・Energy: Power plants, On-board batteries
・Steel and materials: Steel mills, paper and electronic materials
・Food and beverages…Alcohol, bakery products, frozen foods
・Paper, printing, shipping, petroleum, chemicals, other

Please reach out to NISSIN with any air-blow related concerns!

Briefing on the work

●Listening to customer needs accurately and making proposals

・NISSIN will ask about the intended use, installation location and surrounding facilities, processing capacity and methods, weight, size, and soundproofing solutions, operating environment (ambient temperature, operating hours), and installation considerations.

・After listening to the customer, NISSIN makes a judgment, converts the information into data, and proposes the most appropriate equipment.

Corporate Profile

Corporate name
3-8-43, Inada-shinmachi, Higashi Osaka-city, 577-0004, Japan
Kenichi Yamamoto
Founded / Established
1961 / 1988
Company URL

(Japanese) (