Posted : Oct 17, 24

Category : Company

Top 3 are these! Create seals needed for product information and product PR!! TANIGUCHI SEAL PRINTING showcased samples at a Special Exhibit Space

There is a Special Exhibit at MOBIO Tech Hall where exhibitors introduce "featured" products.

This month, TANIGUCHI SEAL PRINTING displayed the top three most requested by customers from the wide variety of original seals and labels produced.



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L) Displayed seals

R) Examples of variable data printing


【An easy-to-understand communication tool attached to a product to convey necessary information: SEALS】

*Variable data printed seals: Print different information on each sheet, such as serial numbers and QR codes, including seals certified by UL/CUL safety standards for export to the US and Canada. Its equipment is capable to print sequentially not only continuous information, but also data entered in Excel sheet.

*Bottle labels: Labels attached to bottles for beverages, cosmetics, etc. as POP. Supply of rolled products for automatic labeling

* POP seals partially inactivate the adhesive: Only a portion of the seal is bonded to the product for PR with prominent in-store display.


For a detailed explanation of "Top 3" seals, watch this video.


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