Posted : Jul 13, 24

Category : Company

To visitors from Indonesia, KAMIYA operating in Indonesia gave an explanation. An exhibitor manufacturing custom-made industrial machine blades.

At the MOBIO Tech Hall, visitors can discover amazing technology. Many people come to MOBIO from all over the world to learn about Japan's and Osaka's amazing technology.

After learing about various measures by Osaka local government to support manufacturing businesses, they came down to the Tech Hall. Putting a sticker on the map and saying, "We came from here," Indonesian visitors began the hall tour and finished with a cheerful shouting "MOBIO!" at the time of photo shooting.

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KAMIYA explained about the current status of the Indonesian factory and its products.


One of the questions from visitors on industrial blades: "What materials do Indonesian companies cut with your blades?" Watch a video for details.


Come see Osaka's superior technologies, products and parts at the MOBIO Tech Hall. It's a fun!

To apply for a tour visit, please visit