Posted : Jun 10, 24

Category : Meet the President

Meet the President #102: Evolving with customers through custom-made industrial machine blades / KAMIYA SAW & KNIFE MFG. CO., LTD.

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- Custom-made industrial machine blades and cutting tools

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The term "individual optimization" was impressive in this interview. Kamiya said the Power of Corporate Team, including "blade consultants" is the key to provide "optimal solutions" for customers looking for thin, strong, and sharp cutting blades. He has a strong desire to continue "updating the norm," such as the development of "bendable ultra-thin carbide blade" and the operation of a new plant for semiconductor business.


●"Blade consultant" identifies real needs and proposes improvements to the customers' business environment through machine blades

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L) Blade consultant studies internally to make the best proposal after the hearing from customers

R) Kamiya is proud of its blade consultants

"Our strength is custom-made production," said Kamiya. "We ask each customer what is important to them, whether it is sharpness (quality), longevity ( lifespan), or ease of maintenance, and we make the most suitable blades for them". The company's blade consultants are responsible for such duties.


They visit the customer's site, listen to and investigate the usage conditions and operating environment in detail, and then propose the optimal solution. "I believe it is our job to see the real needs behind the words of customers and improve their business environment through blades," said Kamiya. As the objects to be cut and sharpened become more precise and diversified, closer communication with users is necessary to produce blades fitting to their demands. KAMIYA's blade consultants are more than just salespeople; they are also experts in development and design.


●Blade also enters the age of diversity. Therefore custom-made blade production is a must!

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L) The catch line of KAMIYA is "What shall we cut next?"

R) Technical capabilities are based on both high-precision machines and delicate manual work


The company has a rare technology in the world to produce carbide blades, 0.1 mm thick for 300 mm length and 0.2 mm thick for 400 mm or more, which are harder than steel and so thin that they can be easily bent by hand. And it was developed by the fusion of machines and human hands. Although most of the market share for industrial blades has been for residential building materials and automotive parts, in recent years the percentage of custom-made production for new materials in various industrial fields, including semiconductors and electronic parts, has been increasing.

In order to take responsibility for their products to the very end, KAMIYA is also working to improve their blade refurbishing technology by regrinding and recoating.


●Expanding the manufacture of custom-made blades for new materials in diverse industries

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L) Bendable ultra-thin carbide blade

R) New plant for semiconductors and electronic components under preparation for operation


"The tolerances required for blades have gone from 1/100th of a millimeter to 1/1000th of a millimeter," said Kamiya. Perhaps the company's greatest strength is its ability to change and evolve with the times. The company's "bendable ultra-thin carbide blade" is one of the examples of KAMIYA's technology and is an eclusive technology in the world. The company built a new plant that shuts out external vibrations to produce ultra-high-precision custom-made cutting blades for semiconductors and electronic components to start its operations in April 2025.


Kamiya said, "Success is the eternal repetition of the norm. The norm changes with the times, places, and people. So KAMIYA will always place importance on keeping a close eye on the actual site, and will continue to deal with the obvious so that KAMIYA can survive as the important company serving to the society."


Interviewed on April 4, 2024


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