Posted : Jun 03, 24

Category : Company

Secrets of mass-producing cell phone covers by using thin molding techs / "Amazing Made in Japan Tech" by KAWASHIMA INDUSTRIES CO., LTD.

This is the state-of-the-art technology developed by Japanese SMEs. At the MOBIO Tech Hall and MOBIO WEB site, search for "The Latest Made in Japan Tech" to improve product features and functions. On May 14, various molding technologies are introduced, smartphone covers, store hooks and supplies for the trading card market by KAWASHIMA. And participants were able to casually ask anything, such as "What are trading cards and TCGs?" at the MOBIO Cafe Meeting.



*7-axis traverse process for thin molding: After molding, the mold is laid down, swiveled, and a wide gate opening is cut in parallel.

*Cassette mold method for hook production: Versatile base + individually-specified product parts are

cassette mold - > 3800 different hooks can be produced.

*Introduction of own-brand (full-protection sleeves): To guard against trading card breakage, scratches, and stains. Promoted as a supply product for the rapidly expanding Trading Card market.

For detailed explanation, watch this video.


Please visit the MOBIO Tech Hall to see the latest technologies of exhibitors. Click here for a list of exhibitors.