Posted : May 13, 24

Category : Company

Integrated manufacturing of plastic products to match the market needs by OHMI KAKO

This is the state-of-the-art technology developed by Japanese SMEs. At the MOBIO Tech Hall and MOBIO WEB site, search for "The Latest Made in Japan Tech" to improve product features and functions.

OHMI KAKO has recently updated its display to make its techniques easier to understand. Based on material flow analysis, OHMI designs and produces molds using 5-axis MCs and other equipment. OHMI's strength is its integrated manufacturing system for plastic products, from molds to semi-automated assembly.


Its has factories in China and Viet Nam,

 Chinese factory (

 Vietnamese factory (


P1280695.JPG P1280705.JPG P1280709.JPG

*Precision molded products with joint application patents: Thin-walled molded products

*Precision parts: Gear parts, two-color molded parts

*Self-developed products:A reusable water bottle with pill compartment, outlet cover to prevent dust intrusion


Please visit the MOBIO Tech Hall to see the latest technologies of Osaka exhibitors. Click here for a list of exhibitors.