Posted : May 31, 21

Category : Company

Peoples still need are the amazing skills of MOBIO companies to prevent infectious diseases. MOBIO started displaying them at MY DOME Osaka as well !

MY DOME Osaka is scheduled to start a large-scale vaccination for COVID-19 for Osaka residents in mid-June.

At the MOBIO "Booth Annex" on the first floor of MY DOME, MOBIO introduced sample products of "Specialty Display by Skillful Companies", which are "anti-infective goods" developed and manufactured by MOBIO companies using their own unique skills. Additionally in the MOBIO WEB, site visitors easily reach reference information on countermeasures against infectious diseases that are necessary even after vaccination.



In the MOBIO Tech Hall, a "Specialty Display by Skillful Companies" section has been set up to showcase. It is providing information on "anti-infective goods", "telework-related systems", and "making stay-homes richer and more convenient" that are useful in companies and at homes.

For a list of companies, click here.