Posted : Jun 19, 15

Category : Meet the President

High Value Coating/Cultivation of The Only One Technology / Meet the President #48

Find out why and how presidents of MOBIO exhibitors have started "INNOVATION and CHALLENGE" through the special interview.No.48 is Mr. Fukae of *** FUTABA-TOSO CO., LTD. (Read on to find out details) ***

-Bake coating of metals, Putty filling (decorative and functional)

● Two-pillar technology for corporate growth


Futaba-Toso is capable to provide suitable bake coating to metal frames for industrial machinery related to automobiles and home appliances out of their bake coating systems (metal coating, heat resistant coating and melamine resin coating). And a thorough multistage pre-paint processing (washing ® puttying ® finishing) is a technology that other companies are not able to offer.

Fukae said, "By combining our exclusive puttying and bake coating technology, the frame can be installed even in a clean room for LCD factory, which means additional + value has been created!"

●Exclusive technology, noticed through communication with other companies

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2008 depression was the major problem for FUTABA as well. So Fukae was struggled to find his way to go and participated various seminars.

"Even though I participated in seminars sitting at the first raw, I could not get the points. One day when the tutor asked us if we had any question, I replied that I could not understand at all." That was the turning point for Fukae. He was called by the tutor personally to review the seminar and then started to join cross-industry meeting positively.

Fukae said, "Through cross-industry meetings I came to notice that my matter of course is NOT the one for other industry or others. I have been informed by others that our puttying and coating technology was much more interesting than what we thought. And I have firmly convinced that we have an core technology competing with others."

From seminar members Fukae is receiving request that needs more care at coating process, such as special-purpose vehicle, railroad vehicle, stainless steel color coating, coffee roasters body,monument and etc. Providing better coatings even for those difficult request, Fukae has established another exclusive coating technology.

●"Technology Development is Human Resources Development"

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Maintaining technology of advanced putty filling and bake coating requires human resource development. Fukae developed the exclusive "Awareness Card" that is to be filled by employees every day for Fukae's review and to communicate based on that. Fukae said,"Our form includes gratitude and obedient on top of normal criteria. Those criteria is what I wish all of my staff to keep it in mind. Talking to me daily I expect my staff would recognize business basics by themselves. Such a self-awareness really assists staff to tackle difficult jobs voluntarily to improve his personal skills."

Thanks to such a human resources development program, Fukae is receiving calls from staffs to challenge technologically harder coating project. And once the staff succeeded in advanced coating, he came to have confidence in skills and technologies, that brings another project to FUTABA TOSO. It becomes really virtuous cycle for the company.

Fukae proudly said, "Good human resources development results in further technological progress, that assists to provide FUTABA's solution to resolve customer 's problem." His goal to changeover corporate culture from "Order-taking company to Proposal base company" and Fukae is leading the project to develop the new product collaborating with some company.

Interviewed on May 20, 2015
To communicate directly with FUTABA TOSO, please send your message from HERE!