MOBIO is located in an integrated support facility, Creation Core Higashi Osaka, Osaka, Japan, established to promote innovation and industry partnerships among small and medium-sized manufacturers. The Osaka Prefectural Government and other service agencies play a vital role in the activities at MOBIO as do experienced coordinators, working to expand new business opportunities by bringing together people and technologies.

Support for small-and medium-sized manufacturers
Government sectors and NPO have set up the One Stop Service Center to support the development of new technologies and products, and market cultivation.
- Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan (SMRJ), Kinki Branch
- Osaka Prefectural Government office, Manufacturing support division
- Higashiosaka Industrial Promotion Center
(Higashiosaka Municipal SMEs* Promotion Association (HSPA), Higashiosaka City Economic Department Sub-branch) - The Higashiosaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Business Promotion and Production Support Department
- Higashi Osaka Area Revitalizing Organization (nonprofit)
- *SMEs = small-and medium-sized enterprises
Permanent Exhibition Hall - providing space for up to 200 booths, this is one of the largest such facility in Japan
- One Stop Service Consultation - Providing a range of consultation services, the One Stop Service Center provides a range of consultation services through administrative and support agencies as well as individual technical coordinators
- Incubation Room - 12 rooms dedicated for technical incubation
- Business-Academia Collaboration Services and Consultation - The consultation office has ties to 16 universities and one technical high school
- Human Resource Training Services - Assisting with in-house personnel development including guidance in how to pass technical knowledge from one generation of workers to the next